Firmware Developed for Automatic Girder Machine


Girder machine, the Iron Monster, commonly known with the names such as bridge building crane/machine or beam/girder launcher, is an exceptional mobile gantry crane in the bridge construction arena. It’s a vast machine and an extremely complex embedded system with rich hydraulic fundamentals. This project contains 4-Display,9-Controller, Pressure Sensor, Angle Sensor, HMI, JoyStick, Semi-ADAS functionality for camera operation.

All these devices are closely connected, and the display gives output. To read the real-time sensor data for high-level output, some hydraulics fundamentals are used like Weight Lift, steering mechanism for changing the current path of the machine, etc. We can also get errors from the engine, convert it from J1939 format to human-readable format, and check the absolute error.

How it works

  • It functions by placing and arranging girders(bridge segments) and launching the gantry girder. Using this, we can make the bridges and metro-related bridges very swiftly, which is hard to handle manually. In this machine, We can start/stop this machine from anywhere on the planet and also drive this extensive machine furiously.
Firmware Developed for Automatic Girder Machine Device
Firmware Developed for Automatic Girder Machine Device

Technologies used

  • Protocol:-CAN Protocol, J1939 DM1, CANOpen.
  • Coding:- QT/QML/C/C++/Embedded.
  • Display Bring Up Script.
  • open street map API.
  • CSS module for real-time data and Remotely Operated machines.
  • Hydraulics.

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