Smart Meter


This Smart Electricity Meter and Smart Gas Meter has a dedicated security module and communication interfaces such as DLMS and Zigbee. It is highly accurate and is tamper-proof. You can use it either in credit or advance payment modes.

How it works

  • Using the smart meter, energy companies get clear insights into the power grid status, making the right decisions for society’s welfare.
  • Power companies get readings straight from smart meters at proper intervals. And customers are the ultimate beneficiaries of this transparent and accurate meter reading and billing.
  • Smart meters can help automate many procedures without the personnel overhead of many other metering systems.
  • The Smart Meter enables power companies to resolve issues of security as it smoothly rolls out updates.
  • Power companies can now prevent power breakdowns by taking necessary precautions with the help of this meter.
  • The Smart Metering Information System includes, validates, and displays messages from the Bill Entity and Power Services Provider and the Efficiency Entity.
  • Customers get the predefined or ad-hoc notifications of pricing and tariff of using the smart meter.
Smart Meter
Smart Meter

Technologies used

  • RF Protocol: Zigbee
  • Protocol: DLMS/COSEM
  • H/W Interface protocol: I2C, SPI, UART
  • Coding: MISRA C, Python
  • Operating System: FreeRTOS

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